School - Controllers

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Large Prison, Malaysia
A large prison in Malaysia required a Jacques secure facilities solution to facilitate cell communication, non-contact visits, and public address across the site. The...
Release Notes C2
This major software release C2 includes many updates and new features, including: • Improved application logging and event reporting• JAS reports feature to generate...
Correctional Facility, South Africa
One of the key benefits of selecting a Jacques system is flexibility – in design and architecture. Jacques first project in South Africa was a correctional facility...
Parramatta City Council
Parramatta City Council offers several multi-level car parks across the 84 square kilometres spanning across suburbs in Greater Western Sydney. As part of a recent...
Deputy Premier of QLD visits our Head Office
Last week Jacques had the honour of welcoming the Deputy Premier of QLD, Jackie Trad MP to officially open our Head Office in Brisbane.Watch full video here.
Release Notes C7
Our new software release cycle 7 includes some significant updates, including: Support for handling alarms on IPM Master station Introduces optional support for...
End of Life notice for 550 Headend Equipment
Dear valued Jacques customers, this notice is to advise that the following product(s) have entered the End-of-Life (EOL) phase under the “Service” status. For more...
Fiona Stanley Hospital
Jacques is honored to contribute to one of Western Australia's most monumental infrastructure feats, the Fiona Stanley Hospital. This premier tertiary healthcare...
Private college, Toowoomba QLD
This private college in Toowoomba required a communication solution to suit two different bell schedules – primary and secondary school – as well as a comprehensive...
Wyong Hospital
With a recent $200 million redevelopment, Wyong Hospital, boasts state-of-the-art healthcare facilities & and an enhancing patient experience. The redevelopment saw...