Our new quote process is here!

Apr 29, 2020 | Media Release

We have integrated a faster way for our customers to receive a quote from us by showcasing our products and solutions in a better way online. Our new request for quote (RFQ) process allows our Sales team to respond faster as they have a greater understanding of your needs up-front. Watch the video below to understand how it works.

You can also build your system using our new step-by-step wizard (for schools), more wizards for other market streams will follow in due course. Take a quick look at both methods and try it out for your next quote!

Our new RFQ process ensures our sales team have a good idea of the system you are trying to create from the get-go. They can then liaise with you to finalise the quote, or may offer suggestions/options within your quote. They populate the quote with pricing and get it back to you in a timely manner.

We are still accepting quote requests via our usual channels. As the world is increasingly globally connected, we see this new process as part of our continued commitment to that path.

In the coming weeks, we will be continually updating our website to offer more information in a better and more concise manner.

Watch the full video below to understand how the new request for quote process works!


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