Parramatta City Council

Feb 1, 2024 | Smart Cities

Parramatta City Council offers several multi-level car parks across the 84 square kilometres spanning across suburbs in Greater Western Sydney. As part of a recent upgrade to security across many parking facilities, council recognised the requirement for parking vending machine communications to be managed at a central control centre. Prior to the upgrade, parking kiosk intercom units were localised and not able to communicate back to a central control location. Jacques boxed intercom modules (JIB) allow simple retrofitting of kiosks, lift panels, or help phone bollards. JIB modules allow existing microphone, speaker & buttons (from an outdated product) be utilised converting outdated technology to an IP-based intercom communications solution. Upgrading legacy intercom technology to IP allows for many enhanced security improvements including device status notification, monitoring, inclusion within a PA broadcast group or integration with a CCTV system. 

Parking kiosks at Parramatta City Council carpark have been retrofitted with the JIB-type intercom module which connects to the legacy speaker & microphone, offering an affordable, upgradeable & expandable solution that facilitates the multi-site communication capability. Additionally, Jacques Help Point units have been installed within carparks offering help & assistance calling to patrons at the touch of a button. Configuration options allow the security officer the detail of the calling location as calls are received. 

Further expansion across the city carparks is simplified given the upgrade to a Jacques IP communication solution. Adding additional intercom or public address endpoints to an IP system is plug and play. As additional carparks are added or retrofitted, the management of all calls from the central city control room offers efficiency of council resources and greater security to the community. 

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